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Friday 30 August 2013

Lightning Devil...

Lightning is a massive electrostatic discharge caused by unbalanced electric charges in the atmosphere, and resulting in a strike, from a cloud to itself, a cloud to a cloud or a cloud to ground, and accompanied by the loud sound of thunder.
Sound of a thunderstorm
A typical cloud to ground lightning strike is over 5 km (3 mi) long. A typical thunderstorm has three or more strikes per minute at its peak.Lightning is usually produced by cumulonimbus clouds up to 15 km high (9 mi) high, based 5–6 km (3-4 mi) above the ground. Lightning is caused by the circulation of warm moisture-filled air through electric fields.Ice or water particles then accumulate charge as in a Van de Graaff generator.Lightning may occur during snow storms (thundersnow), volcanic eruptions, dust storms, forest fires or tornadoes. Hurricanes typically generate some lightning, mainly in the rainbands as much as 160 km (100 mi) from the center.

When the local electric field exceeds the dielectric strength of damp air (about 3 million volts per meter), electrical discharge results in a strike, often followed by commensurate discharges branching from the same path. (See image, right.)

Mechanisms that cause lightning are still a matter of scientific investigation.The science of lightning is called fulminology.The fear of lightning is called astraphobia.

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